By James Ballot, Senior Advisor, Strategic Communications, Triple-I
Is insurance the ultimate high return/low-risk career option?
Many career experts and insurance professionals agree that few fields offer as many outstanding career paths and opportunities. To spread the word to college students, Gamma Iota Sigma (GIS) is teaming with Triple-I to host virtual sessions at three academic institutions this fall.
GIS’s Security in Risk Tour brings insurance industry executives back to their alma maters to share career stories and advice with students who are pursuing degrees in majors other than risk management or actuarial science (the two fields most often associated with insurance).
The first stop on the 2020 Security in Risk Tour is the “Insurance Career Showcase and Alumni Panel” on Wednesday, Oct. 14, at 5:30 p.m. EDT at Syracuse University, which will be hosted by the upstate New York institution’s Martin J. Whitman School of Management.
“For hundreds of years, insurance has been a key driver of innovation and economic growth worldwide,” said Sean Kevelighan, CEO, Triple-I. “Thanks to Gamma Iota Sigma and programs like the Security in Risk Tour, the U.S.’s insurance industry is able to engage with, and recruit, some of the nation’s most promising college students. Insurers are making homes, businesses and communities safer by recruiting and hiring well-educated and ambitious young men and women as they embark on their professional careers.”
Other 2020 Security in Risk events scheduled for the fall include:
- Wednesday, Nov. 4: “STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics] Careers in Risk Management and Insurance,” at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ
- Thursday, Nov. 5: “Security in Risk: Careers in Cyber Risk Management and Insurance,” at Baruch College, New York City.
“The insurance industry has a great story to share,” notes Alyssa Bouchard, CPCU, ASLI, ARM, Director of Education & Programming, Gamma Iota Sigma. “We’re excited to team up with the Triple-I to expand our reach by engaging with students at colleges and universities without GIS chapters. The Security in Risk Tour helps to educate students of all majors and backgrounds about the insurance industry’s positive societal impact and limitless career opportunities.”
The Gamma Iota Sigma Security in Risk Tour is presented in partnership with Triple-I. Funding is provided by the program’s lead supporters, Chubb and the Spencer Educational Foundation.