Category Archives: Technology

Executive Exchange: Insuring AI-Related Risks

By Lewis Nibbelin, Contributing Writer, Triple-I

Garnering millions of weekly users and over a billion user messages every day, the generative AI chatbot ChatGPT became one of the fastest-growing consumer applications of all time, helping to lead the charge in AI’s transformation of business operations across various industries worldwide. With generative AI’s rise, however, came a host of accuracy, security, and ethical concerns, presenting new risks that many organizations may be ill-equipped to address.

Enter Insure AI, a joint collaboration between Munich Re and Hartford Steam Boiler (HSB) that structured its first insurance product for AI performance errors in 2018. Initially covering only model developers, coverage expanded to include the potential losses from using AI models, as – though organizations might have substantial oversight in place – mistakes are inevitable.

“Even the best AI governance process cannot avoid AI risk,” said Michael Berger, head of Insure AI, in a recent Executive Exchange interview with Triple-I CEO Sean Kevelighan. “Insurance is really needed to cover this residual risk, which…can further the adoption of trustworthy, powerful, and reliable AI models.”

Speaking about his team’s experiences, Berger explained that most claims stem not from “negligence,” but from “data science-related risks, statistical risks, and random fluctuation risks, which led to an AI model making more errors than expected” – particularly in situations where “the AI model sees more difficult transactions compared to what it saw in its training and testing data.”

Such errors can underlie every AI model and are thereby the most fundamental to insure, but Insure AI is currently working with clients to develop coverage for discrimination and copyright infringement risks as well, Berger said.

Berger also discussed the insurance industry’s extensive history of disseminating technological advancements, from helping to usher in the Industrial Revolution with steam-engine insurance to insuring renewable energy projects to facilitate sustainability today. Like other tech innovations, AI is creating risks that insurers are uniquely positioned to assess and mitigate.

“This is an industry that’s been based on using data and modeling data for a very long time,” Kevelighan agreed. “At the same time, this industry is extraordinarily regulated, and the regulatory community may not be as up to speed with how insurers are using AI as they need to be.”

Though they do not currently exist in the United States on a federal level, AI regulations have already been introduced in some states, following a comprehensive AI Act enacted last year in Europe. With more legislation on the horizon, insurers must help guide these conversations to ensure that AI regulations suit the complex needs of insurance – a position Triple-I advocated for in a report with SAS, a global leader in data and AI.

“We need to make sure that we’re cultivating more literacy around [AI] for our companies and our professionals and educating our workers in terms of what benefits AI can bring,” Kevelighan said, noting that more transparent discussion around AI is crucial to “getting the regulatory and the customer communities more comfortable with how we’re using it.”

Learn More:

Insurtech Funding Hits Seven-Year Low, Despite AI Growth

Actuarial Studies Advance Discussion on Bias, Modeling, and A.I.

Agents Skeptical of AI but Recognize Potential for Efficiency, Survey Finds

Insurers Need to Lead on Ethical Use of AI

Insurtech Funding Hits Seven-Year Low,
Despite AI Growth

Global insurtech funding hit a seven-year low of $4.25 billion in 2024, marking a challenging year for the sector, though AI-focused companies showed resilience by securing $2.01 billion across 119 deals, according to Gallagher Re’s Global Insurtech Report. 

Total insurtech funding in 2024 — down 5.6 percent from $4.51 billion in 2023 — represents the lowest funding level since 2018, signaling a more cautious investment climate. Last year’s insurtech deal count saw a more pronounced decline, falling 18.5 percent to 344 deals from 422 in the previous year — a low not seen since 2019. Reflecting this trend, the number of venture investors in the space decreased to 466 from 574, indicating a more selective approach to insurtech investments. 

Segment Performance 

A closer look at the market segments reveals divergent trajectories, Gallagher Re found. Property/Casualty (P/C) insurtech funding experienced a significant downturn, decreasing 24.3 percent to $2.59 billion in 2024 from $3.42 billion a year earlier. In contrast, Life/Health insurtech funding bucked the overall trend, surging by 53.6 percent to reach $1.66 billion. 

Despite an overall funding contraction, several positive indicators emerged, suggesting underlying strength in the market, the report noted. 

Early-stage funding grew by 8.8 percent to $1.22 billion, highlighting continued investor confidence in nascent insurtech innovations. Moreover, the average deal size increased by 14.6 percent to $14.67 million, indicating that while fewer deals were made, those that did close were of higher value. 

Lastly, mega-round funding — deals of $100 million or more — remained relatively stable at $930.17 million, down only slightly from $969.00 million in 2023. 

Geographic Shifts and Market Leadership 

The United States continues to be the powerhouse of insurtech innovation, accounting for 50.58 percent of all insurtech deals worldwide in 2024. 

The United Kingdom saw a significant increase in its deal share, rising to 9.30 percent in 2024 from 7.35 percent in the previous year. This growth of nearly two percentage points represents the largest gain among all countries. Moreover, the U.K. has consistently maintained its status as the nation with the second-largest share of global insurtech deals since 2017. 

While established markets continue to lead, several emerging players are making their mark on the insurtech landscape. Canada and Germany both demonstrated growth, each experiencing a 1.78 percentage point increase to claim a 3.20 percent share of global deals. South Korea is another country to watch, with its deal share increasing by 1.21 percentage points to reach 1.45 percent. 

AI-centered Insurtech Performance 

Artificial Intelligence continues to make waves in the insurtech industry, accounting for a significant portion of deals and funding in 2024. AI-focused firms represented 34.6 percent of all insurtech deals throughout the year, raising $2.01 billion across 119 deals. The financial prowess of AI-centered insurtechs is further highlighted by their higher average deal sizes, which stood at $18.93 million compared to $12.21 million for their non-AI counterparts. 

The fourth quarter of 2024 saw a particularly strong performance for AI in the insurtech space. AI-centered companies accounted for 42.3 percent of all deals during this period, showcasing the growing confidence in AI-driven solutions. Moreover, these AI-enabled insurtechs managed to raise an additional $5 million on average compared to their non-AI counterparts, further cementing the technology’s value proposition in the industry. 

While the numbers paint a promising picture, Gallagher Re emphasized the need for practical applications of AI in insurance. 

“Much like insurtech more broadly, AI must be part of a use case that is commercially sound and supports a broader set of business objectives,” the report stated. “Using AI to assist underwriters to make better risk selection decisions is one such clear use case, for example. Using AI to send customers down company rabbit holes where call centers once existed is not.” 

Learn More: 

Human Needs Drive Insurance and Should Drive Tech Solutions 

Actuarial Studies Advance Discussion on Bias, Modeling, and A.I. 

Agents Skeptical of AI but Recognize Potential for Efficiency, Survey Finds 

Insurers Need to Lead on Ethical Use of AI 




Human Needs Drive Insurance and Should Drive Tech Solutions

By Lewis Nibbelin, Contributing Writer, Triple-I

Maintaining human centricity in an increasingly digitized world was a focus of discussion for many participants at Triple-I’s 2024 Joint Industry Forum (JIF) – particularly during the “Fireside Chat,” featuring Katherine Horowitz, executive vice president and head of business units for The Institutes, and Casey Kempton, president of personal lines at Nationwide.

As generative AI and other technological innovations help streamline the insurance value chain, such processes must continue to align with the human needs intrinsic to insurance, Kempton stressed.

“Insurance is a human business,” Kempton said. “The moment of a claim – of whatever tragedy or inconvenience that has happened – is a human moment. Theres’s emotion involved in that. I don’t expect any robot or machine to take on that experience end-to-end and be able to deliver what folks need in that moment, which is comfort and assurance.”

Rather, new technology presents opportunities to facilitate more proactive and individualized risk management than ever before, while also enabling employees to do what this industry does best: engaging with other people.

Role of telematics

Usage-based insurance, for instance, allows insurers to tailor auto rates based on the policyholder’s driving behavior, tracked by telematics. By providing feedback to encourage safer driving habits, telematics has been found to lower risk and reduce auto premiums, empowering consumers to recognize their direct influence on their insurance rates, Kempton said.

Similarly, advanced smart devices – such as those developed by Whisker Labs (Ting) and Ondo InsurTech (LeakBot) – continuously detect conditions that could lead to damage within a home and notify homeowners before losses occur. The success of these devices has spurred numerous insurance carriers, including Nationwide, to pay for and distribute them to customers.

“Supporting the delivery of these technologies to our customers is critical,” Kempton explained, as is “making the cost of entry accessible.”

Words matter

Kempton noted that mitigative insurance solutions further serve to alleviate widespread public distrust in the industry, which has become “sullied” under misconceptions of insurance as merely a commodity.

Industry language fixated on costs, rather than consumer needs, is partly to blame.

“In insurance, we talk about ‘mitigating loss,’” Kempton said. “That’s how it feels from our perspective – we see claims as losses – but let’s turn that into, ‘how can [insurers] better engender peace of mind and protection for consumers?’”

Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Tim Temple later echoed this sentiment during a panel on legal system abuse, discussing how “billboard attorney” advertising has appropriated the consumer confidence once placed in insurance carriers.

“I remember when insurance companies advertised dependability and stability,” Temple explained. “Now it’s lizards, birds, and jingles… And then you see the attorneys, and they talk about how you’re going to be safe and secure with their service. That’s [the insurance company’s] job.”

Fueled by such advertising, excessive claims-related litigation has cost residents of Louisiana and other states across the country  thousands of dollars in “tort taxes” every year, contributing to rising premium rates as insurers struggle to predict and mitigate protracted claims disputes. Lack of transparency around third-party litigation funding (TPLF), in which investors fund lawsuits in exchange for a percentage of any settlement, exacerbates this financial strain.

“If we can avoid these additional expenses and the severity attached to nuclear verdicts, it benefits all consumers,” Kempton said. Recent reforms in Florida – once the poster child for legal system abuse – indicate as much.

But reform necessarily hinges on collaboration between all stakeholders, which is unattainable without resolving “the consumer mindset we’ve inadvertently created around what the value of insurance is,” Kempton said. Updated legal regulations are equally important to ending legal system abuse as reasserting the key values of insurers – to protect and care for policyholders.

Crypto Theft Rulings
Use Simliar Logic
to COVID-Related
Business Interruption

By Michael Menapace, Esq., Wiggin and Dana LLP

When I first wrote here about insurance coverage related to cryptocurrency theft, I discussed whether these digital assets were securities (as suggested by the SEC) or property (as suggested by the IRS) and how that might impact insurance coverage under a typical homeowners policy. 

I also discussed whether the full policy limits for generic property were available for the theft of the assets or a policy sublimit for money would apply. 

At that time, courts had provided little guidance on the issue, and few situations were analogous.  In recent years, however, guidance has emerged, including from a line of cases that would not appear to have much relevance at first glance. 

Wrestling over “physical” loss

Nearly every appellate court in the country has wrestled with the issue of whether economic losses experienced by businesses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic were covered by their commercial property insurance policies.  A commercial property policy typically covers the “physical” loss of or damages to property.  Insurers uniformly denied those business interruption claims and thousands of businesses sued.  Courts consistently rejected the businesses’ claims for coverage because the COVID-19 virus does not change the structure of the insured property, and purely economic losses are not “physical” loss or damage. 

Similar to the commercial property insurance policies at issue in the COVID-19 claims, a typical homeowners policy covers the direct physical loss of covered personal property.

In 2021, Ali Sedaghatpour had approximately $170,000 of his cryptocurrency stolen and made a claim under his homeowners insurance policy.  The insurer paid him the $500 limit for the theft of electronic funds, but denied coverage for the remainder of the loss.  The homeowner sued and the federal district court for the East District of Virginia ruled in favor of the insurer.  Recently, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit affirmed the decision in favor of the insurer.  The case was titled Sedaghatpour v. Lemonade Insurance Co. (Case No. 23-1237). 

The court ruled that the digital theft of the homeowners’ currency did not amount to direct “physical” loss and the insurer owed the homeowner nothing more than the $500 it had already paid.  The appellate court did not disturb other findings by the trial court – including the lower court’s citation to dictionary definitions of cryptocurrency, which state that cryptocurrency exists “wholly virtually”

Looking ahead

In the Sedaghatpour case, the courts were applying Virginia law; however, given the uniform development of “physical loss” throughout the country in the COVID-19 context, I expect other courts around the country will come to the same conclusion when the issue of how to treat digital assets comes before them.  I likewise observe that some insurers have revised their policy language to state expressly that the loss of “electronic currency” is not covered. 

These recent court cases confirm that individuals owning cryptocurrency should take extra care to protect their digital assets and should not rely on standard language in homeowners insurance policies to hedge against theft.

Michael Menapace is a Triple-I Non-Resident Scholar, Co-chair of the Insurance Practice Group at Wiggin and Dana LLP, a professor of Insurance Law at the Quinnipiac University School of Law, and a Fellow of the American College of Coverage Counsel.

Data Fuels the Assault
on Climate-Related Risk

By Lewis Nibbelin, Contributing Writer, Triple-I

Identifying opportunities to mitigate climate risk was on the minds of “Risk Take” presenters at Triple-I’s 2024 Joint Industry Forum (JIF). Risk Takes – a new addition at JIF – are 10-minute problem/solution-oriented presentations by high-impact experts who are deeply engaged in addressing specific perils. 

Inserted between panel discussions of broader issues and trends, these compact talks were tightly focused on how current challenges are being met.

Munich Re US, for example, is diving deep into understanding how consumers and insurers perceive climate-related risks. According to RiskScan 2024, a recently published survey by Munich Re US and Triple-I, more than one-third of respondents ranked climate change as a top concern, identifying it as “a key driver of insurance costs,” said Kerri Hamm, EVP and head of cyber underwriting, client solutions, and business development at Munich Re US.

However, when it comes to flood risk, the survey highlighted a substantial disconnect between concern about the peril and understanding of related insurance coverage. Despite understanding the rising severity of climate risks and their direct influence on insurance costs, many consumers erroneously believe their homeowners policy includes flood coverage or that they do not reside in an area at risk of flooding, contributing to a significant flood protection gap.

High-risk areas are only expanding, Hamm pointed out, as upsurges in flash flooding implicate more and more noncoastal properties. Increased private-sector interest in flood risk has led to new forms of flood coverage, such as a private Inland Flood Endorsement offered at Munich Re, to support these properties. Take-up rates for these insurance products remain low – underscoring the importance of consumer education and improved training for agents and brokers to encourage flood insurance sales.

“We can do better as an industry to make options available, attractive, and better known to vulnerable homeowners,” Hamm said. Education is vital, as is “developing innovative solutions that benefit our society by closing the insurance gap.”

Combining geoscience with data science is one solution, said Helge Jørgensen, CEO and co-founder of the Norway-based 7Analytics. Jørgensen discussed how, by leveraging geological and hydrological information with machine learning technology, his company develops granular data that can map out property flood risk “neighbor by neighbor,” enabling highly representative flood policies.

Beyond incentivizing private insurers to write flood coverage, this data is further “crucial for communities,” Jørgensen stressed, “because, if you have a lot of information on which areas and buildings are more exposed to flooding, then you can build resilience.”

Urban growth, particularly rising populations in higher-risk areas, render community-level resilience initiatives even more important, he noted.

Guidewire’s Christina Hupy reinforced Jørgensen’s emphasis on utilizing granular data while discussing HazardHub, a property risk data platform owned by Guidewire.

“Historically, risk data was provided only at the Census block or even ZIP code level,” Hupy said, whereas HazardHub provides comprehensive and updated geospatial data across various perils to pinpoint individual property risk levels.

In collaboration with Triple-I, HazardHub will release a report in early 2025 focusing on wildfire risk within three high-risk California counties, aiming to demonstrate how using detailed geographic data can help sustain or improve underwriting profitability within such areas.

“We’re going to need to look at mitigation in these high-risk areas as the next frontier,” Hupy said, “to spark that interest from California government and carriers” and enhance resilience “both from a customer and a business perspective” in the state.

California’s Department of Insurance helped launch this frontier last month by announcing new regulations allowing insurers to use catastrophe risk modeling to set rates, rather than limiting insurers to only historic risk data, as was the rule for decades. Insurers must also expand their coverage in riskier areas and account for resilience efforts when setting rates, which was also not previously possible.

Alongside emerging forms of insurance coverage and innovative granular data tools, such regulations empower the insurance industry to incentivize climate risk mitigation and achieve considerable progress towards eliminating the protection gap.

Learn More:

RiskScan 2024 Reveals Risk Priorities Across the Insurance Marketplace

JIF 2024: What’s In a Name? When It Comes to Legal System Abuse, A Lot

JIF 2024: Collective, Data-Driven Approaches Needed to Address Climate-Related Perils

JIF 2024: What Resilience Success Looks Like

JIF 2024: Panel Highlights Human-Centered Use of Advanced Technology

Climate Resilience and Legal System Abuse Take Center Stage in Miami

California Finalizes Updated Modeling Rules, Clarifies Applicability Beyond Wildfire

California’s Department of Insurance last week posted long-awaited rules that remove obstacles to profitably underwriting coverage in the wildfire-prone state. Among other things, the new rules eliminate outdated restrictions on use of catastrophe models in setting premium rates.

The measure also extends language related to catastrophe modeling to “nature-based flood risk reduction.” In the original text, “the only examples provided of the kinds of risk mitigation measures that would have to be considered in this context involved wildfire. However, because the proposed regulations also permit catastrophe modeling with respect to flood lines, it was appropriate to add language to this subdivision relating to flood mitigation.”

The relevant language applies “generally to catastrophe modeling used for purposes of projecting annual loss,” according to documents provided by the state Department of Insurance.

Benefits for policyholders

As a result, the department said in a press release, “Homeowners and businesses will see greater availability, market stability, and recognition for wildfire safety through use of catastrophe modeling.”

For the past 30 years, California regulations – specifically, Proposition 103 – have required insurance companies to apply a catastrophe factor to insurance rates based on historical wildfire losses. In a dynamically changing risk environment, historical data alone is not sufficient for determining fair, accurate insurance premiums. According to Cal Fire, five of the largest wildfires in the state’s history have occurred since 2017. 

The state’s evolving risk profile, combined with the underwriting and pricing constraints imposed by Proposition 103, has led to rising premium rates and, in some cases, insurers deciding to limit or reduce their business in the state.

With fewer private insurance options available, more Californians have been resorting to the state’s FAIR Plan, which offers less coverage for a higher premium. This isn’t a tenable situation.

“Put simply, increasing the number of policyholders in the FAIR Plan threatens the solvency of insurance companies in the voluntary market,”  California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara explained to the State Assembly Committee on Insurance. “If the FAIR Plan experiences a massive loss and cannot pay its claims, by law, insurance companies are on the hook for the unpaid FAIR Plan losses…. This uncertainty is driving insurance companies to further limit coverage to at-risk Californians.”

“Including the use of catastrophe modeling in the rate making process will help stabilize the California insurance market,” said Janet Ruiz, Triple-I’s California-based director of strategic communication. “Homeowners in California will be able to better understand their individual risk and take steps to strengthen their homes.”

The new measure also requires major insurers to increase the writing of comprehensive policies in wildfire-distressed areas equivalent to no less than 85 percent of their statewide market share. Smaller and regional insurance companies must also increase their writing.

Requirements for insurers

It also requires catastrophe models used by insurers to account for mitigation efforts by homeowners, businesses, and communities – something not currently possible under existing outdated regulations today.

Moves like this by state governments – combined with increased availability of more comprehensive and granular data tools to inform underwriting and mitigation investment – will go a long way toward improving resilience and reducing losses.

Learn More:

Triple-I “Trends and Insights” Issues Brief: California’s Risk Crisis

Triple-I “Trends and Insights” Issues Brief: Proposition 103 and California’s Risk Crisis

Triple-I “State of the Risk” Issues Brief: Wildfire

Triple-I “State of the Risk” Issues Brief: Flood

JIF 2024: Panel Highlights Human-Centered Use
of Advanced Technology

By Lewis Nibbelin, Contributing Writer, Triple-I

Technological innovations — particularly generative AI — are revolutionizing insurance operations and risk management more quickly than the industry can fully accommodate them, necessitating more proactive involvement in their implementation, according to participants in Triple-I’s 2024 Joint Industry Forum.

Such involvement can ensure that the ethical implications of AI remain integral to its continued evolution.

Benefits of AI

Increasingly sophisticated AI models have expedited data processing across the insurance value chain, reshaping underwriting, pricing, claims, and customer service. Some models automate these processes entirely, with one automated claims review system – co-developed by Paul O’Connor, vice president of operational excellence at ServiceMaster – streamlining claims processing through to payment, thereby “removing the friction from the process of disputes,” said O’Connor. 

“We’re at an inflection point of seeing losses dramatically reduced,” said Kenneth Tolson, global president for digital solutions at Crawford & Co., as AI promises to “dramatically mitigate or even eliminate loss” by enabling insurers to resolve problems more efficiently.

Novel insurance products also cover more risk, said Majesco’s chief strategy officer Denise Garth, who pointed to usage-based insurance (UBI) as more appealing to younger buyers. UBI emerged from telematics, which can leverage AI to track actual driving behavior and has been found to encourage significant safety-related changes.

Alongside lower operational costs resulting from AI efficiency gains, such policies suggest a possibility for reduced premiums and, consequently, a diminished protection gap, Garth said.

Utilizing AI presents “the first time in decades that we have the opportunity to truly optimize our operations,” she added.

Industry hurdles

For Patrick Davis, senior vice president and general manager of Data & Analytics at Majesco, developing effective AI strategies hinges not on massive budgets or teams of data scientists, but on the internal organization of existing data.

AI models fail when base datasets are inaccessible or ill-defined, he explained. This is especially true of generative AI, which encourages decision-making by producing new data via conversational prompting.

 “Extremely well-described data” is essential to receiving meaningful, accurate responses, Davis said. Otherwise, “it’s garbage in, garbage out.”

Outdated technology and business practices, however, impede successful AI integration throughout the insurance industry, Davis and Garth agreed.

“We have, as an industry, a lot of legacy,” Garth said. “If we don’t rethink how we’re going about our products and processes, the technology we apply to them will keep doing the same things, and we won’t be able to innovate.”

Beyond frustrating innovation, cultural resistance to change within organizations can delay them in preemptively balancing their unique risks and goals with the likely inevitable influence of AI, leaving themselves and insureds at a disadvantage.

“We’re not going to stop change,” said Reggie Townsend, vice president and head of the data ethics practice at SAS, “but we have to figure out how to adapt to the pace of change in a way that allows us to govern our risk in acceptable ways.”

Ethical implications

Responsible innovation, Townsend said, entails “making sure, when we have changes, that they have a material benefit to human beings” – benefits which an organization clearly defines while being considerate of potential downsides.

Improperly managed data facilitates such downsides from using AI models, contributing to pervasive bias and privacy concerns.

Augmenting base datasets with demographic trend information, for example, may be “tempting,” O’Connor explained, “but where does this data go, once it gets outside our boundaries and augmented elsewhere? Vigilance is absolutely required.”

Organizational oversight committees are crucial to ensuring any major technological advancements remain intentional and ethical, as they encourage innovators to “overcommunicate the ‘why,’” said discussion moderator Peter Miller, president and CEO of The Institutes.

Tolson reaffirmed this point in discussing how his organization’s AI counsel holds him accountable by fostering “diligence and openness” around an “articulated vision,” further fueling collaborative sharing of data cross-organizationally. Collaboration and transparency around AI are key, he stressed, “so that we don’t have to learn the same lesson twice, the hard way twice.”

Looking ahead

Though they do not currently exist in the U.S. on a federal level, AI regulations have already been introduced in some states, following a comprehensive AI Act enacted earlier this year in Europe. With more legislation on the horizon, insurers must help lead these conversations to ensure that AI regulations suit the complex needs of insurance, without hindering the industry’s commitments to equity and security.

A recent report by Triple-I and SAS, a global leader in data and AI, centers the insurance industry’s role in guiding conversations around ethical AI implementation on a global, multi-sector scale. Defending this position, Townsend explained how the industry “has put a lot of rigor in place already” to eradicate bias and preserve data integrity “because [its] been so highly regulated for a long time,” creating an opportunity to educate less experienced businesses.

Immeasurable mountains of data produced from rapid technological advancement indicate more and more underinformed industries will turn to AI to assess them, making assuming an educational responsibility even more imperative.

Learn More:

Insurers Need to Lead on Ethical Use of AI

JIF 2024: What Resilience Success Looks Like

Changing Risks, Rising Costs Drive Insurance Transformation for 2025: Majesco

Executive Exchange: Using Advanced Tools to Drill Into Flood Risk

2024’s Nat Cats:
A Scholarly View

By Lewis Nibbelin, Contributing Writer, Triple-I

Triple-I recently kicked off a new webinar series featuring its Non-Resident Scholars. The first episode focused on the rising severity of natural catastrophes and innovative data initiatives these scholars are engaged in to help mitigate the impact of these perils. 

Moderated by Triple-I’s Chief Economist and Data Scientist Michel Léonard, the panel included:

  • Phil Klotzbach, Senior Research Scientist in the Department of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University;
  • Victor Gensini, meteorology professor at Northern Illinois University and leading expert in convective storm research;
  • Seth Rachlin, social scientist, business leader, and entrepreneur currently active as a researcher and teaching professor; and
  • Colby Fisher, Managing Partner and Director of Research and Development at Hydronos Labs.

“Wild and crazy”

Klotzbach discussed “the wild and crazy 2024 Atlantic hurricane season,” which he called “the strangest above-normal season on record.”

Abnormally fluctuating periods of activity this year created “a story of three hurricane seasons,” reflecting a broader trend of decreasing storm frequency and increasing storm severity, Klotzbach said.

While Klotzbach and his forecasting team’s “very aggressive prediction for a very busy season” was validated by Hurricane Beryl’s landfall as the earliest Category-5 hurricane on record — followed by Debbie and Ernesto — “we went through this period from August 20 to September 23 where we had almost nothing. It was extremely quiet.”

After extensive media coverage claiming the forecasts were a “massive bust,” along came Hurricane Helene, which developed into the “strongest hurricane to make landfall in the Big Bend of Florida since 1851.” Helene drove powerful, destructive flooding inland – most notably in Asheville, NC, and surrounding communities. Then came Hurricane Milton which was noteworthy for spawning numerous fatal tornadoes.

“Most tornadoes that happen with hurricanes are relatively weak – EF0, EF1, perhaps EF2,” Gensini – the panel’s expert on severe convective storms (SCS) – added. “Milton had perhaps a dozen EF3 tornadoes.”

Costly and underpublicized

Severe convective storms – which include tornadoes, hail, thunderstorms with lightning, and straight-line winds – accounted for 70 percent of insured losses globally the first half of 2024. And in 2023, U.S. insured SCS-caused losses exceeded $50 billion for the first time on record for a single year.

Hailstorms are especially destructive, behind as much as 80 percent of SCS claims in any one year. Yet their relative brevity and limited scope compared to large-scale disasters earns them far less public and industry attention.

“We haven’t had a field campaign dedicated to studying hail in the United States since the 1970s,” Gensini explained, “so it’s been a long time since we’ve had our models updated and validated.”

Data-driven solutions

To rectify this knowledge gap, the In-situ Collaborative Experiment for the Collection of Hail in the Plains (or ICECHIP) will send Gensini and some 100 other scientists into the Great Plains to chase and collect granular data from hailstorms next year. Beyond developing hail science, their goal is to improve hail forecasting, thereby reducing hail damage.

Gensini pointed to another project, the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Convective Storms (or CIRCS), which is a prospective academic industry consortium to develop multidisciplinary research on SCS. Informed by diverse partnerships, such research could foster resilience and recovery strategies that “move forward the entire insurance and reinsurance industry,” he said.

Rachlin and Fisher echoed this emphasis on enhancing the insurance industry’s facilitation of risk mitigation in their presentation on Hydronos Labs, an environmental software development and consulting firm that utilizes open-source intelligence (OSINT).

The costs and variability of climate and weather information have created “a data arms race” among insurance carriers, and aggregating and analyzing publicly available information is an untapped solution to that imbalance, they explained.

The company’s end goal, Rachlin added, is to promote an insurance landscape centered around “spending less money on [collecting] data and more money using data.”

All panelists stressed the ongoing need for more reliable, comprehensive data to steer industry strategies for effective mitigation. Investments in this data now are less than the costs of post-disaster recovery that will continue to plague more and more communities in our rapidly evolving climate.

Register here to listen to the entire webinar on demand.

Learn More:

Triple-I “State of the Risk” Issues Brief: Hurricanes

Triple-I “State of the Risk” Issues Brief: Flood

Triple-I “State of the Risk” Issues Brief: Severe Convective Storms

Outdated Building Codes Exacerbate Climate Risk

JIF 2024: Collective, Data-Driven Approaches Needed to Address Climate-Related Perils

Climate Resilience and Legal System Abuse Take Center Stage in Miami

Triple-I Experts Speak on Climate Risk, Resilience

NAIC, FIO to Collaborate on Data Collection Around Climate Risk

Actuarial Studies Advance Discussion
on Bias, Modeling, and A.I.

The Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) has added to its growing body of research to help actuaries detect and address potential bias in property/casualty insurance pricing with four new reports. The latest reports explore different aspects of unintentional bias and offer forward-looking solutions.

The first  –A Practical Guide to Navigating Fairness in Insurance Pricing” – addresses regulatory concerns about how the industry’s increased use of models, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI) may contribute to or amplify unfair discrimination. It provides actuaries with information and tools to proactively consider fairness in their modeling process and navigate this new regulatory landscape.

The second new paper — Regulatory Perspectives on Algorithmic Bias and Unfair Discrimination” – presents the findings of a survey of state insurance commissioners that was designed to better understand their concerns about discrimination. The survey found that, of the 10 insurance departments that responded, most are concerned about the issue but few are actively investigating it. Most said they believe the burden should be on the insurers to detect and test their models for potential algorithmic bias.

The third paper –Balancing Risk Assessment and Social Fairness: An Auto Telematics Case Study” – explores the possibility of using telematics and usage-based insurance technologies to reduce dependence on sensitive information when pricing insurance. Actuaries commonly rely on demographic factors, such as age and gender, when deciding insurance premiums. However, some people regard that approach as an unfair use of personal information. The CAS analysis found that telematics variables –such as miles driven, hard braking, hard acceleration, and days of the week driven – significantly reduce the need to include age, sex, and marital status in the claim frequency and severity models.

Finally, the fourth paper – “Comparison of Regulatory Framework for Non-Discriminatory AI Usage in Insurance” – provides an overview of the evolving regulatory landscape for the use of AI in the insurance industry across the United States, the European Union, China, and Canada. The paper compares regulatory approaches in those jurisdictions, emphasizing the importance of transparency, traceability, governance, risk management, testing, documentation, and accountability to ensure non-discriminatory AI use. It underscores the necessity for actuaries to stay informed about these regulatory trends to comply with regulations and manage risks effectively in their professional practice.

There is no place for unfair discrimination in today’s insurance marketplace. In addition to being fundamentally unfair, to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation – or any factor that doesn’t directly affect the risk being insured – would simply be bad business in today’s diverse society.  Algorithms and AI hold great promise for ensuring equitable risk-based pricing, and insurers and actuaries are uniquely positioned to lead the public conversation to help ensure these tools don’t introduce or amplify biases.

Learn More:

Insurers Need to Lead on Ethical Use of AI

Bringing Clarity to Concerns About Race in Insurance Pricing

Actuaries Tackle Race in Insurance Pricing

Calif. Risk/Regulatory Environment Highlights Role of Risk-Based Pricing

Illinois Bill Highlights Need for Education on Risk-Based Pricing of Insurance Coverage

New Illinois Bills Would Harm — Not Help — Auto Policyholders

Insurers Need to Lead
on Ethical Use of AI


Every major technological advancement prompts new ethical concerns or shines a fresh light on existing ones. Artificial intelligence is no different in that regard. As the property/casualty insurance industry taps the speed and efficiency generative AI offers and navigates the practical complexities of the AI toolset, ethical considerations must remain in the foreground.  

Traditional AI systems recognize patterns in data to make predictions. Generative AI goes beyond predicting – it generates new data as its primary output.  As a result, it can support strategy and decision making through conversational, back-and-forth “prompting” using natural language, rather than complicated, time-consuming coding.

A recently published report by Triple-I and SAS, a global leader in data and AI, discusses how insurers are uniquely positioned to advance the conversation for ethical AI – “not just for their own businesses, but for all businesses; not just in a single country, but worldwide.” 

AI inevitably will influence the insurance sector, whether through the types of perils covered or by influencing how insurance functions like underwriting, pricing, policy administration, and claims processing and payment are carried out. By shaping an ethical approach to implementing AI tools, insurers can better balance risk with innovation for their own businesses, as well as for their customers.

Conversely, failure to help guide AI’s evolution could leave insurers — and their clients — at a disadvantage. Without proactive engagement, insurers will likely find themselves adapting to practices that might not fully consider the specific needs of their industry or their clients. Further, if AI is regulated without insurers’ input, those regulations could fail to account for the complexity of insurance – leading to guidelines that are less effective or equitable.

“When it comes to artificial intelligence, insurers must work alongside regulators to build trust,” said Matthew McHatten, president and CEO of MMG Insurance, in a webinar introducing the report. “Carriers can add valuable context that guides the regulatory conversation while emphasizing the value AI can bring to our policyholders.” 

During the webinar, Peter L. Miller, CPCU, president and CEO of The Institutes, noted that generative AI already is helping insurers “move from repairing and replacing after a loss occurs to predicting and preventing losses from ever happening in the first place,” as well as enabling efficiencies across the risk-management and insurance value chain.

Jennifer Kyung, chief underwriting officer for USAA, discussed several use cases involving AI, including analyzing aerial images to identify exposures for her company’s members. If a potential condition concern is identified, she said, “We can trigger an inspection or we can reach out to those members and have a conversation around mitigation.”

USAA also uses AI to transcribe customer calls and “identify themes that help us improve the quality of our service.”  Future use cases Kyung discussed include using AI to analyze claim files and other large swaths of unstructured data to improve cost efficiency and customer experience.

Mike Fitzgerald, advisory industry consultant for SAS, compared the risks associated with generative AI to the insurance industry’s early experience with predictive models in the early 2000s. Predictive models and insurance credit scores are two innovations that have benefited policyholders but have not always been well understood by consumers and regulators.  Such misunderstandings have led to pushback against these underwriting and pricing tools that more accurately match risk with price.

Fitzgerald advised insurers to “look back at the implementation of predictive models and how we could have done that differently.”

When it comes to AI-specific perils, Iris Devriese, underwriting and AI liability lead for Munich Re, said, “AI insurance and underwriting of AI risk is at the point in the market where cyber insurance was 25 years ago. At first, cyber policies were tailored to very specific loss scenarios… You could really see cyber insurance picking up once there was a spike of losses from cyber incidents. Once that happened, cyber was addressed in a more systematic way.”

Devriese said lawsuits related to AI are currently “in the infancy stage. We’ve all heard of IP-related lawsuits popping up and there’ve been a few regulatory agencies – especially here in the U.S. – who’ve spoken out very loudly about bias and discrimination in the use of AI models.”

She noted that AI regulations have recently been introduced in Europe.

“This will very much spur the market to form guidelines and adopt responsible AI initiatives,” Devriese said.

The Triple-I/SAS report recommends that insurers lead by example by developing their own detailed plans to deliver ethical AI in their own operations. This will position them as trusted experts to help lead the wider business and regulatory community in the implementation of ethical AI. The report includes a framework for implementing an ethical AI approach.


Three key contributors to the project – Peter L. Miller, Matthew McHatten, and Jennifer Kyung — will share their insights on AI, climate resilience, and more at Triple-I’s Joint Industry Forum in Miami on Nov. 19-20.