Tag Archives: Florida

Florida Reforms
Bear Fruit as Premium Rates Stabilize 

Florida’s legislative reforms to address claim fraud and legal system abuse are stabilizing the state’s property/casualty insurance market, according to the latest Triple-I Issues Brief.  

Claims-related litigation has significantly declined over the past two years, and premium averages are nearly flat, with several insurers requesting rate decreases from the state’s insurance regulator.  In addition, the brief says, the number of insurers writing business in the state has rebounded after a multi-year exodus. This competition from the private market has allowed policyholders to leave Citizens Property Insurance Corp. – the state-run insurer of last resort – to obtain coverage at previously unavailable rates from a much healthier private market. 

According to the state’s Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR), Florida in 2022 accounted for nearly 71 percent of the nation’s homeowners claim-related litigation, despite representing only 15 percent of homeowners insurance claims. The same year – before Hurricane Ian made landfall in Florida – six insurers in the state declared insolvency, primarily due to economic pressures from legal system abuse. Based on insured losses, Ian became the second-most costly U.S. hurricane on record, due in large part to extraordinary litigation costs for disputed claims. 

The Legislature responded to the growing crisis by passing several pieces of insurance reform that, among other things, eliminated one-way attorney fees and assignment of benefits (AOB) for property insurance claims and prohibited misleading legal service ads and the misuse of consumer health information for legal services. 

Premium rate growth slowing 

The impact of the 2022 and 2023 reforms can be seen in premium rate changes, particularly with respect to homeowners insurance. Homeowners rates in Florida grew at a much slower rate in 2024, even as rate growth remained strong nationally. Growth in personal auto insurance premium rates in Florida has slowed since the repeal of AOB and one-way attorney fees, but the trend also is consistent with nationwide experience. 

“There are a lot of factors involved in insurance rates, and Florida’s property and auto markets are challenging,” Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said in February, “but…data suggests that, in 2024, Florida had the lowest average homeowners’ premium increases in the nation, and the overall market has stabilized, with 11 new companies having entered the market over the past two years.” 

Among the top 10 national insurers writing homeowners insurance in Florida, 60 percent have expanded their business over the past year, and 40 percent of all insurers operating in the state filed for rate decreases in 2024, according to Florida Insurance Commissioner Michael Yaworksy. 

The cost of reinsurance also continues to decrease for Florida carriers. 

“In 2024, most companies paid less for reinsurance than they did in 2023,” according to the OIR website. “The average risk-adjusted cost for 2024 was -0.7 percent, a large reduction from last year’s change of 27 percent increase from the prior year.” 

Reinsurance costs are factored into premium rates, so this is another reason Florida now has the lowest average rate filings in the United States in 2024, according to S&P Global Marketplace. 

Learn More: 

Florida’s Progress in Legal Reform: A Model for 2025 

How Georgia Might Learn From Florida Reforms 

Resilience Investments Paid Off in Florida During Hurricane Milton 

Florida Homeowners Premium Growth Slows as Reforms Take Hold, Inflation Cools 

New Triple-I Issue Brief Takes a Deep Dive into Legal System Abuse

The increasing frequency and severity of claims costs beyond insurer expectations continue to threaten insurance coverage and affordability. Triple-I’s latest Issue Brief, Legal System Abuse – State of the Risk describes how trends in claims litigation can drive social inflation, leading to higher insurance premiums for policyholders and losses for insurers.

Key Takeaways

  • Insured losses continue to exceed expectations and surpass inflation, notably impacting coverage affordability and availability in Florida and Louisiana.
  • In promoting the term “legal system abuse”, Triple-I seeks to capture how litigation and related systemic trends amplify social inflation.
  • Progress has been made toward increased awareness about the risks of third-party litigation funding (TPLF), but more work is needed.

What we mean when we talk about legal system abuse

Legal system abuse occurs when policyholders, plaintiff attorneys, or other third parties use fraudulent or unnecessary tactics in pursuing an insurance claim payout, increasing the time and cost of settling insurance claims. These actions can include illegal maneuvers, such as claims inflation and frivolous or outright fraudulent claims. Unscrupulous contractors, for example, seek to profit from Assignment of Benefits (AOBs) by overstating repair costs and then filing lawsuits against the insurer – sometimes even without the homeowner’s knowledge. Filing a lawsuit to reap an outsized payout when it’s evident the claims process will likely provide a fair, reasonable, and timely claim settlement can also be considered legal system abuse.

The latest brief provides a round-up of several studies Triple-I and other organizations conducted on elements of these litigation trends. The report, “Impact of Increasing Inflation on Personal and Commercial Auto Liability Insurance,” describes the $96 billion to $105 billion increase in combined claim payouts for U.S. personal and commercial auto insurer liability. The Insurance Research Council highlighted the dire lack of affordability for personal auto and homeowners insurance coverage in Louisiana, along with the state’s exceptionally high claim litigation rates.

Readers will also find an update on the discussion of legal industry trends associated with increased claims litigation. The lack of transparency around TPLF arrangements and the fear of outside influence on cases are attracting the attention of legislators at the state and federal levels. The brief also describes how some law firms may use TPLF resources to encourage large windfall-seeking lawsuits instead of speedy and fair claims litigation. Research findings suggest that consumers have become aware of how ubiquitous attorney ads can influence the frequency of lawsuits, increasing claims costs.

Florida: a case study in the consequences of excessive litigation

While several states, such as California, Colorado, and Louisiana, are experiencing a drastic rise in the cost of homeowners’ insurance, this brief discusses Florida. Property insurance premiums there rank the highest in the nation. Several insurers facing insurmountable losses have stopped writing new policies or left the state in the last few years. In some areas, residents are leaving, too, because of skyrocketing premiums.

Excessive claims litigation isn’t a new issue for insurers, but it can work with other elements to shift loss ratios and disrupt forecasts, rendering cost management more challenging. In Florida, factors such as the rise in home values and frequency of extreme weather events play a significant role, along with the challenges homeowners face in the aftermath: soaring construction costs, supply chain bottlenecks, and new building codes. However, Florida also leads the nation in litigating property claims. While 15 percent of all homeowners claims in the nation originate in the state, Floridians file 71 percent of homeowners insurance lawsuits.

In Florida and elsewhere, increasing time to settle a claim puts a financial strain on insurers, which is passed on to policyholders in the form of higher premiums. Legal system abuse activities are difficult (if not impossible) to forecast and mitigate, hampering insurers’ ability to remain in the market. Therefore, legal system abuse could be one of the biggest underlying drivers of social inflation. Without preventive measures, such as policy intervention and increased policyholder awareness, coverage affordability and availability is at risk.

Triple-I remains committed to advancing the conversation and exploring actionable strategies with all stakeholders. Learn more about legal system abuse and its components, such as third-party litigation funding by following our blog and checking out our social inflation knowledge hub.

Potential Tropical Cyclone 9 impacts likely in Puerto Rico, Florida

A broad area of low pressure called Potential Tropical Cyclone 9 will likely become Tropical Storm Isaias in the eastern Caribbean. If it were to get named, it would be the fifth named storm to form this July. The most Atlantic named storms to form in July on record (since 1851) is 5 in 2005.

The storm has potential to generate flash floods and mudslides in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands as it strengthens. Tropical storm-force gusts could arrive in Florida as early as Friday night, but Saturday is much more likely, according to the National Weather Service Miami.

South Florida’s chances for experiencing tropical storm-force winds (speeds of at least 39 mph) stand at 15 percent to 25 percent in the next five days, the weather service said. It also said that “most of the rainfall this week will be over the interior and Gulf coast of southern Florida,” with rain chances increasing for Florida’s east coast on Friday.

Residents of Florida are strongly encouraged to prepare for Isaias and other storms during this above average hurricane season, and especially with the additional challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Broward County Sheriff Gregory Tony said in a news conference that the biggest problem officials anticipate is the ability to effectively social-distance while taking in large numbers of people at county storm shelters.

South Floridians should “start to examine what other opportunities or options they may have to be out of South Florida, to push inland or even to push out of the state in advance,” he said.

Click here for Triple-I’s hurricane preparedness tips.

Florida Dropped From 2020 “Judicial Hellholes” List

Each year the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) publishes a list of “Judicial Hellholes”  — places where ATRA says laws and court procedures are applied in an “unfair and unbalanced” way in civil cases, usually to the disadvantage of defendants.

Since the issue of social inflation has been trending in recent months, it’s no surprise that the mention of ATRA’s report in our Daily newsletter garnered an unprecedented number of clicks.

Florida — a former number one Judicial Hellhole — doesn’t even make the cut this year.

“Florida took great strides toward improving its legal climate in 2019,” ATRA says “Although there is much work to be done, the election of Governor Ron DeSantis (R) has heralded a sea change in Florida’s legal landscape, beginning with the appointment of several new Florida Supreme Court justices. This new court is deferential to legislative efforts to stop lawsuit abuse and poised to correct the course set by the prior activist court.”

DeSantis in 2019 also signed into law a measure aimed at curbing assignment of benefits (AOB) litigation in the state. AOB is a standard insurance practice and an efficient, customer-friendly way to settle claims. As a convenience, a policyholder lets a third party – say, an auto glass repair company – directly bill the insurer. In Florida, however, legislative wrinkles have spawned a state of affairs in which legal fees can dwarf actual damages paid to the policyholder – sometimes tens of thousands of dollars for a single low-damage claim.

The measure DeSantis signed puts new requirements on contractors and lets insurers offer policies with limited AOB rights, or none at all. But it excludes auto glass repairs. The number of auto glass AOB lawsuits statewide in 2013 was over 3,800; by 2017, that number had grown to more than 20,000.

This year, the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas took over the top spot for 2019. It is one of the preferred jurisdictions for asbestos litigation and home to an $8 billion product liability verdict. California, New York City, Louisiana, and St. Louis all rank in the top five.

Some of the trends noted in the ATRA report include:

  • the trial bar’s push to use public nuisance law to shift costs associated with public crises to businesses;
  • lead paint and climate change litigation;
  • the opioid and vaping crisis; and
  • new rights of action against employers.

Three Illinois counties – Cook, Madison, and St. Clair – made the list.  Antonio M. Romanucci, president of the Illinois Trial Lawyers Association, called the ATRA report misleading.  “The deceptively titled ‘Hellholes’ report is part of [ATRA’s] ongoing campaign to deny access to the court system that our tax dollars fund,” Romanucci told Illinois Radio Network. “ATRA’s annual publicity stunt demeans the U.S. Constitution and attacks citizens’ Seventh Amendment right to trial by jury.”

Romanucci said the number of civil lawsuits filed in Illinois has been declining since 2010 and was down 47 percent. And medical malpractice cases have dropped 32 percent since 2003.