Category Archives: Auto Insurance

Personal Lines Underwriting Results Improve, Reducing Gap With Commercial Lines

The U.S. property and casualty insurance industry experienced better-than-expected economic and underwriting results in the first half of 2024, according to the latest forecasting report by Triple-I and Milliman.  The report was released during a members-only webinar on Oct. 10.

The industry’s estimated net combined ratio of 99.4 represented a 2.3-points year-over-year improvement, with commercial lines continuing to outperform personal lines. Combined ratio is a standard measure of underwriting profitability, in which a result below 100 represents a profit and one above 100 represents a loss. 

Much of the overall underwriting gain was due to growth in personal lines net premiums written. Commercial lines underwriting profitability remained mostly flat.

“The ongoing performance gap between personal and commercial lines remains, but that gap is closing,” said Triple-I Chief Insurance Officer Dale Porfilio. “The significant rate increases necessary to offset inflationary pressures on losses are driving the improved results in personal auto and homeowners. With that said, the impact of natural catastrophes such as Hurricanes Helene and Milton threaten the improved homeowners results and are a significant source of uncertainty.”

During the webinar Q&A period, Porfilio provided insight on the potential impact of Hurricane Milton on the Triple-I 2024 net combined ratio forecast during the Q&A portion. One key figure regarding potential catastrophe losses is the impact on the 2024 net combined ratio forecast of adding one additional billion dollars of catastrophe losses. Each additional billion dollars of catastrophe losses is an impact of one tenth of a percent on the forecast.

Triple-I has loaded an estimate for catastrophe losses for the second half of 2024 based on historical experience, trends, economic projections, etc. prior to Milton, so there is no expectation of needing to add $30 billion to $40 billion – the recent estimate published by Gallagher Re.

If there was a need to add an additional $30 billion in catastrophe losses, that would be a +3.0-point impact on the forecast.

The net combined ratio for homeowners insurance of 104.9 was a six-point improvement over first-half 2023.  The line is expected to achieve underwriting profitability in 2026, with continued double-digit growth in net written premiums expected in 2025.   

Personal auto’s net combined ratio of 100 is 4.9 points better than 2023. The line’s 2024 net written premium growth rate of 14.5 percent is the highest in over 15 years. 

Jason B. Kurtz – a principal and consulting actuary at Milliman – elaborated on profitability concerns within commercial lines. Commercial lines 2024 net combined ratio remained relatively flat at 97.1 percent. Improvements in commercial property, commercial multi-peril, and workers compensation were offset by continued deterioration in commercial auto and general liability.

“Commercial auto expectations are worsening and continue to remain unprofitable through at least 2026,” he said. “General liability has worsened and is expected to be unprofitable through 2026.”

Michel Léonard, Triple-I’s chief economist and data scientist, said P&C replacement costs are expected to overtake overall inflation in 2025.

“P&C carriers benefited from a ‘grace period’ over a few quarters during which replacement costs were increasing at a slower pace than overall inflation,” Dr. Léonard said. “That won’t be the case in 2025.”  

It’s not too late to register for Triple-I’s Joint Industry Forum: Solutions for a New Age of Risk. Join us in Miami, Nov. 19 and 20.

Actuarial Studies Advance Discussion
on Bias, Modeling, and A.I.

The Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) has added to its growing body of research to help actuaries detect and address potential bias in property/casualty insurance pricing with four new reports. The latest reports explore different aspects of unintentional bias and offer forward-looking solutions.

The first  –A Practical Guide to Navigating Fairness in Insurance Pricing” – addresses regulatory concerns about how the industry’s increased use of models, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI) may contribute to or amplify unfair discrimination. It provides actuaries with information and tools to proactively consider fairness in their modeling process and navigate this new regulatory landscape.

The second new paper — Regulatory Perspectives on Algorithmic Bias and Unfair Discrimination” – presents the findings of a survey of state insurance commissioners that was designed to better understand their concerns about discrimination. The survey found that, of the 10 insurance departments that responded, most are concerned about the issue but few are actively investigating it. Most said they believe the burden should be on the insurers to detect and test their models for potential algorithmic bias.

The third paper –Balancing Risk Assessment and Social Fairness: An Auto Telematics Case Study” – explores the possibility of using telematics and usage-based insurance technologies to reduce dependence on sensitive information when pricing insurance. Actuaries commonly rely on demographic factors, such as age and gender, when deciding insurance premiums. However, some people regard that approach as an unfair use of personal information. The CAS analysis found that telematics variables –such as miles driven, hard braking, hard acceleration, and days of the week driven – significantly reduce the need to include age, sex, and marital status in the claim frequency and severity models.

Finally, the fourth paper – “Comparison of Regulatory Framework for Non-Discriminatory AI Usage in Insurance” – provides an overview of the evolving regulatory landscape for the use of AI in the insurance industry across the United States, the European Union, China, and Canada. The paper compares regulatory approaches in those jurisdictions, emphasizing the importance of transparency, traceability, governance, risk management, testing, documentation, and accountability to ensure non-discriminatory AI use. It underscores the necessity for actuaries to stay informed about these regulatory trends to comply with regulations and manage risks effectively in their professional practice.

There is no place for unfair discrimination in today’s insurance marketplace. In addition to being fundamentally unfair, to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation – or any factor that doesn’t directly affect the risk being insured – would simply be bad business in today’s diverse society.  Algorithms and AI hold great promise for ensuring equitable risk-based pricing, and insurers and actuaries are uniquely positioned to lead the public conversation to help ensure these tools don’t introduce or amplify biases.

Learn More:

Insurers Need to Lead on Ethical Use of AI

Bringing Clarity to Concerns About Race in Insurance Pricing

Actuaries Tackle Race in Insurance Pricing

Calif. Risk/Regulatory Environment Highlights Role of Risk-Based Pricing

Illinois Bill Highlights Need for Education on Risk-Based Pricing of Insurance Coverage

New Illinois Bills Would Harm — Not Help — Auto Policyholders

Despite Improvements, Louisiana Is Still
Least Affordable State for Auto Insurance

Max Dorfman, Research Writer, Triple-I

Louisiana’s personal auto insurance affordability improved to 2.67 percent of median household income in 2022 – down from 2.93 percent in 2020 – but it retains the dubious distinction of being the least affordable state, Triple-I’s chief insurance officer told the Louisiana House Insurance Committee in recent testimony.

Dale Porfilio – who also is president of the Insurance Research Council (IRC) – said that by nearly every metric the state’s insurance cost drivers are well above the national average:

  • Accident frequency – Louisiana is 16 percent higher than the national average;
  • Repair cost severity – Louisiana is 9 percent higher;
  • Injury claim relative frequency – Two out of every four property damage claims (when cars hit cars) in Louisiana result in bodily injury claims (49 percent), twice the one out of every four (25 percent) across all states;
  • Medical utilization – Louisiana is 47 percent higher;
  • Attorney involvement – Louisiana is 24 percent higher;
  • Underinsured motorists – At-fault drivers in Louisiana have insufficient liability insurance limits in over 35 percent of multi-car accidents, over twice the 16 percent U.S. average; and
  • Claims litigation – Litigation over personal auto claims in Louisiana is more than twice the national average, surpassed only by Florida.

Porfilio noted that for auto insurance affordability to improve, overall expected losses will need to be reduced. Legislation to reduce one or more of these key cost drivers would be helpful, Porfilio said.

As Triple-I and IRC previously reported, the combination of high insurance expenditures and low median income make Louisiana a difficult state in which to lower costs. The frequency of hurricanes hitting the state increases homeowners insurance costs, and the high cost of reinsurance has contributed to the Louisiana’s insurance woes.

In fact, in 2020 and 2021, in the wake of Hurricane Laura and Hurricane Ida, insurers paid out more than $23 billion in insured losses from over 800,000 claims filed.

While Louisiana policymakers were confident a $45 million fund approved in February 2023 to encourage insurers to write property insurance business in the state would help stabilize the market, insurance commissioner Jim Donelon recognized that the approved grants are only the first step toward reducing homeowners’ insurance rates.

As Porfilio’s testimony demonstrated – and the market has dictated – more work is needed to lower costs for consumers and insurers in Louisiana.

Georgia Is Among the Least Affordable States for Auto Insurance

By Max Dorfman, Research Writer, Triple-I

Georgia’s personal auto insurance affordability has significantly worsened over the past decade and a half, making it one of the least affordable states, according to a new report by the Insurance Research Council (IRC) – a division of The Institutes, like Triple-I.

The study, Personal Auto Insurance Affordability in Georgia, ranks the state 47th in terms of auto insurance affordability. Only four other states – Louisiana, Florida, Mississippi, and New York – are less affordable. In 2006, Georgia was the 27th most affordable state.

Personal auto insurance expenditures in Georgia accounted for two percent of the median household income in 2022 (the latest year for which expenditure data is available). This is compared with 1.5 percent nationally.

Key findings:

  • From the mid-2000s through 2014, Georgians spent about the same on auto insurance as other Americans. In the mid-2010s, however, auto insurance expenditures in Georgia began escalating. Between 2014 and 2022, auto insurance spending in Georgia grew 5.6 percent annualized, compared with 3.3 percent in the country overall and faster than in any other state. In 2022, Georgia’s average expenditure of $1,347 was 20 percent higher than the U.S. average.
  • Affordability issues in Georgia’s auto insurance market stem from multiple factors — many of which have been faced by the rest of the country — including economic inflation, rising replacement costs, risky driving behavior, and legal system abuse. However, several key cost drivers are higher in Georgia, including propensity to file injury claims, number of underinsured motorists, and claim litigation.
  • Auto insurance litigation is a growing concern in Georgia, especially as tort reform in neighboring states may be pushing law firms in those states to seek opportunities elsewhere. Georgia has experienced elevated attorney advertising rates, particularly in television advertising.

“Uninsured and underinsured motorists are both a symptom and a cause of affordability issues,” said Dale Porfilio, FCAS, MAAA, president of the IRC. “When affordability deteriorates, whether from increasing costs or slower income growth, increasing numbers of motorists may choose to lower the policy limits or to forgo the mandated insurance completely.”

Porfilio, who is also Chief Insurance Officer of Triple-I, noted that the resulting need for drivers to purchase uninsured motorist (UM) and underinsured motorist (UIM) protection further increases average insurance expenditures.

“Both the UM and UIM rates are higher than average in Georgia,” he said. “The UIM rate is especially high in the state: Georgia’s UIM rate has been increasing steadily and was the third-highest rate in the country in 2022.”

Report: No-Fault Reforms Improved Michigan’s Personal Auto Insurance Affordability

By Max Dorfman, Research Writer, Triple-I

Michigan personal auto insurance affordability improved markedly after enacting substantial auto insurance reform in 2019, according to a new report by the Insurance Research Council (IRC) – like the Triple-I, a division of The Institutes

The study, Personal Auto Insurance Affordability in Michigan, found that personal auto insurance expenditures accounted for 1.9 percent of the median household income in Michigan in 2022 (the last year the data is available), a decline of half-a-percent from the pre-reform peak. Michigan’s expenditure share remains higher than the percentage in the overall U.S. and forty-four other states.

Other key findings from the report include:

  • Before the reforms, Michigan drivers were required to purchase unlimited personal injury protection (PIP) coverage; in comparison, the second highest mandated amount of PIP coverage was $50,000 in New York. The unlimited medical benefits and other features, such as attendant care benefits and no medical fee schedule, led to Michigan’s extremely high average auto injury claim severity, which has been the primary cost driver in the state.
  • In 2022, Michigan households spent $1,319 to insure each vehicle, nearly 20 percent above the national average. However, in the years since reform, expenditures have fallen in Michigan while increasing in almost every other state. From 2019 to 2022, the average expenditure for auto insurance in Michigan fell 12 percent compared with an increase of five percent in the U.S. overall.
  • Uninsured and underinsured motorists are both a symptom and cause of affordability issues. In 2019, Michigan had the highest rate of uninsured drivers in the country, with more than one in four motorists lacking the required liability coverage. The uninsured motorist rate in Michigan dropped by 5 percent between 2020 and 2022.

“Efforts to improve auto insurance affordability in Michigan must begin with the underlying cost drivers: injury claim severity and litigation,” said Dale Porfilio, FCAS, MAAA, president of the IRC. “The average amount paid per auto claim for auto injury insurance is dramatically higher in Michigan, more than double the U.S. average and one and a half times the second highest state.”

Porfilio, who is also Chief Insurance Officer of the Insurance Information Institute (Triple-I), noted that the 2022 affordability data does not fully reflect many recent countrywide challenges to affordability, such as economic inflation, higher replacement costs, legal system abuse, and deteriorating driving behavior. “However, the movement of several key indicators illustrate the positive effect of the Michigan policymakers’ efforts to improve affordability in their state.”

NCIGF Moves Ahead
to Support Insurers

By Max Dorfman, Research Writer, Triple-I

For the last 35 years, the National Conference of Insurance Guaranty Funds (NCIGF) – an organization dedicated to serving 55 property/casualty state guaranty funds – has provided operational support; communications, education, and outreach; as well as public policy management for these organizations.

State guaranty funds make up a privately funded, nonprofit state-based national system that pays covered claims up to a state’s legally allowable limits, protecting policyholders if their insurer becomes insolvent. There are 55 such funds because some states have more than one.

“All states have a property/casualty guaranty association, and some have a workers compensation guaranty association,” NCIGF President and CEO Roger Schmelzer explained in a recent “Executive Exchange” with Triple-I CEO Sean Kevelighan.

“We’re not claims payers,” Schmelzer said, “We try to do things for our members that they wouldn’t be doing for themselves or that it’s better to be doing in one place.”

For nearly five decades, the guaranty fund system has paid out more than $35 billion to cover claims against about 600 insolvencies.

“Through the years, the system has successfully met every challenge that’s come its way, and has been instrumental in supporting the insurance promise,” Schmelzer said.

NCIGF recently announced its updated organizational strategy, which focuses on:

  • Pre-liquidation planning with regulators and receivers,
  • Understanding and preparing for the changing landscape in insolvencies, and
  • Seeking shared solutions to common problems among state associations.

“We want to understand better the trends and factors that could lead to insolvency,” Schmelzer said. “Then we want to do everything we can with our members, working through our educational arm, to make sure members are prepared for whatever those trends might bring.”

Insurance Underwriting
and Economic Analysis: “Art and Science”

By Lewis Nibbelin, Guest Blogger for Triple-I

Home and auto insurance premium rates have been a topic of considerable public discussion as rising replacement costs and other factors – from climate-related losses to fraud and legal system abuse – have driven rates up and, in some states, crimped availability and affordability of coverage.

It’s important for policyholders and policymakers to understand the role of economic conditions and trends in setting rates.  Jennifer Kyung, Property and Casualty Chief Underwriting Officer at USAA, opens a window into the complex world of underwriting and economics in a recent episode of Triple-I’s All Eyes on Economics podcast.

Kyung told podcast host and Triple-I Chief Economist and Data Scientist Dr. Michel Léonard that economic analysis “is critical to us in underwriting and as we manage our plan.” She described economics as “part of our muscle memory as underwriters” – adding that the economic uncertainty of recent years reinforces the need for underwriters to have “a very agile mindset.”

Underwriting and economics are “a little bit art and science,” representing a balancing act between sophisticated data analytics and creative problem-solving.

“When we think about sales and premiums for homeowners, we may look at things like mortgage rates or new home starts to indicate how the market is going,” Kyung said. “In auto, we might look at new vehicle sales or auto loan rates. These, in combination, help us look at macro-economic trends and the environment and how that might interplay with our volume projections. That helps us with financial planning, as well as operational planning.”

“It’s really critical to keep these on the forefront on an ongoing basis throughout the year,” she said, “so we can adjust as needed…. As our results come in, this gives context to the results.”

Through continual analyses of external market conditions and the internal quality and growth of your business, Kyung said, underwriters “can manage and mitigate some of the volatility and risk for our organizations.”

A tool she recommends for evaluating economic indicators is Triple-I’s replacement cost indices, which track the evolution of replacement costs throughout time across various lines of insurance and geographic regions. These indices enable insurers to synthesize raw economic data and insurance market trends, providing an auxiliary framework to bolster financial and operational planning.

Kyung said Triple-I offers additional insight into “local flavor,” or “understanding what the emerging issues are…related to the local environment,” through such tools as Issues Briefs and Insurance Economics Profilers. Recent supply-chain disruptions have accentuated the relationship between local and global economies, revealing the importance of employing local economic analytics to interpretations of broader insurance market patterns.

Such fusions can help facilitate efficient planning in the face of shifts in the insurance landscape.

The full interview is available now on Spotify, Audible, and Apple.

Auto Insurers’ Performance Improves, But Don’t Expect Rates
to Flatten Soon

Several metrics that influence auto insurance premium rates are starting to improve, but it will take time for these improvements to be reflected in flattening rates, according to a recent Triple-I Issues Brief.

Direct premiums written and underwriting profitability improved dramatically in 2023.  Additionally, 2023 net written premium growth of 14.3 percent is the highest in over 15 years. These are great gains, but it’s important to remember that they come on top of results in 2022 that were the worst in recent years.

The number of drivers on the road and miles driven have returned to pre-pandemic levels – but the risky driving behaviors that led to high losses during the pandemic have not improved. More accidents with severe injuries and fatalities have driven up claims and losses in terms of both vehicle damage and liability, while attracting greater attorney involvement and legal system abuse. Compounding these conditions has been historically high inflation, which puts upward pressure on the material and labor costs, increasing the cost of claims.

Telematics technologies, which allow insurers to analyze risk profiles and tailor rates based on individual driving habits, offer the possibility of some relief. By providing feedback that can influence driving behavior, telematics has been shown to lower risk and help reduce the cost of insurance. An Insurance Research Council survey found 45 percent of drivers said they made significant safety-related changes in how they drove after participating in a telematics program. Another 35 percent said they made small changes.

But broader risk and economic factors are likely to keep premium rates high in most cases for the foreseeable future.

Personal Auto Line Propels Strong 1Q
P&C Insurance Results

Strong improvements in personal auto insurance results helped drive the U.S. property and casualty insurance industry to its second-highest net underwriting gain in any quarter since at least 2000, according to an S&P Global Market Intelligence analysis.

Just 12 months from its worst-on-record start to a calendar year – with a combined ratio of 102.2 – the industry generated a ratio of approximately 94.0. Combined ratio is a measure of underwriting profitability in which a ratio under 100 indicates a profit and one above 100 represents a loss.

While quarterly statutory data is insufficient to calculate combined ratios at the line-of-business level, S&P previously estimated that a direct incurred loss ratio of approximately 71.3 percent in the personal auto sector would have produced break-even underwriting results in the first quarter.

“Applying the same methodology to the first-quarter result of 66.7% yields an estimated combined ratio of 95.6,” S&P said. The industry’s full-year 2023 private auto combined ratio was 104.9.

On a consolidated basis across business lines, incurred losses increased only modestly, while net premiums earned continued to rise rapidly. This reflects the combination of continued top-line strength in many commercial lines of business and what S&P called “the hardest private auto pricing environment in 47 years.”

The industry also benefited from relatively mild catastrophe activity compared with the comparable prior-year period.

While these strong first-quarter results are noteworthy, it will take time to know whether they represent the start of a trend. Multiple severe convective storm events already have occurred in the second quarter, and the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season is forecast to be “extremely active.”

Personal auto’s recent improvements follow 2022 results that were among the worst in recent years.  The number of drivers on the road has returned to pre-pandemic levels, and the risky driving behavior that led to high losses during the pandemic has not improved. More accidents with severe injuries and fatalities have driven up claims and losses in terms of both vehicle damage and liability, attracting greater attorney involvement and legal system abuse.

Compounding these loss drivers has been historically high inflation, which puts upward pressure on the material and labor costs for both the auto and property lines.

Favorable first-quarter results are good news, but it’s important for policyholders and policymakers to remember that the current hard market wasn’t created overnight. It will take time for insurers’ performance and drivers’ rates to stabilize.

IRC: Insufficient Auto Insurance Coverage
Is a National Problem

By Max Dorfman, Research Writer, Triple-I

Nearly 16 percent (15.7) of U.S. drivers in 2022 had auto liability insurance limits that were too low to pay for damages or injuries they caused, according to new research from the Insurance Research Council (IRC), a division of The Institutes. 

The IRC report found that the underinsured motorist (UIM) rate increased from 12.6 percent in 2017, to a peak in 2020 at 16 percent, and remained elevated in 2021 and 2022. The 2022 rates, however, varied widely across the country, from 5.6 percent in the District of Columbia to 40.9 percent in Colorado. Other states with high UIM rates in 2022 included Nevada (39.4 percent), Georgia (37.3 percent), Louisiana (35.6 percent), and Kentucky (32.0 percent).

The IRC estimates are based on UIM and bodily injury (BI) liability exposure and claim count data collected from 10 major insurers representing approximately half of the U.S. private passenger auto insurance market. The ratio of UIM-to-BI claim frequencies yields a reasonable estimate of the proportion of injury-producing accidents in which the accident victim’s expenses exceeded the at-fault driver’s liability limits.

Auto insurers offer two types of coverage to protect policyholders: uninsured motorists (UM) coverage, which compensates accident victims for injuries or damage caused by a driver without liability insurance or from a hit-and-run driver; and underinsured motorists (UIM), which compensates the injured party for costs associated with injuries or property damage that exceed the at-fault driver’s liability coverage.

Once it is determined that the at-fault driver’s insurance will not fully cover damages, the accident victim files a claim with their own insurance company under their UM/UIM coverage.

“At the start of the pandemic, UIM frequency dropped as the shutdowns dramatically curtailed driving,” said Dale Porfilio, FCAS, MAAA, president of the IRC. “However, UIM frequency dropped less than BI. But by 2022, UIM claim frequency had returned to its 2019 level while BI claim frequency was still below pre-pandemic levels.”

Porfilio, who is also chief insurance officer for Triple-I, noted that, in today’s litigious society, having state minimum levels on uninsured motorist and underinsured motorist insurance does not provide adequate financial protection.

“Riskier behaviors like speeding and distracted driving, in combination with legal system abuse and economic inflation, all contribute to elevated UIM rates,” Porfilio added.

Learn More:

Background on Compulsory Auto /Uninsured Motorists

Uninsured Driving Dipped in 2022 After Pandemic Spurred a Multi-Year Risk