The Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF) invites insurance professionals to volunteer for their community nonprofit organizations during the annual Week of Giving (October 10-17, 2020).
With many in-person projects cancelled this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the IICF lists many ways to safely make an impact in the communities where we live and work.
Some of the suggested activities include:
AARP Create the Good: Search AARP’s virtual volunteer database here for an opportunity in your community.
American Red Cross
– Missing Maps Program
– Blood donation
Hire Heroes USA: Help veterans with mock interviews, career coaching remotely.
Homemade PPE Masks: For healthcare workers, homeless programs/shelters, etc. Many opportunities are listed on VolunteerMatch.com.
Smithsonian Institute: volunteer by transcribing historical documents.
Track bird populations and migration patterns.
Trevor Project: Trevor Chat/TrevorText volunteers are trained to answer chat messages or texts online from young people who are struggling with issues such as coming out, LGBTQ identity, depression, and suicide.
United Nations: Apply to volunteer with the UN.
UPchieve: Be a virtual Academic Coach to at-risk students.
Virtual Tutoring –Provide tutoring services and support for high school students in statistics and government courses through virtual Microsoft TEAMS and Zoom platforms.
Write letters to Service Members:
– Operation Gratitude
– A Million Thanks
Read more about IICF volunteerism during COVID-19 here.
The IICF also provides volunteering opportunities throughout the year. It has hosted the Week of Giving since 1998, generating over 300,000 hours of volunteer service, and contributing $40 million in community grants since its founding in 1994.